This week I finished up the bike computer project. Thanks to Andy, I was able to solve the problem I had been having with the clock (it was writing garbage - a garbled message of letters, numbers and symbols - to the serial port. Turns out I had to set the clock, or "initialize" it, perhaps. (Interesting philosophical differences between those terms, but I digress). The LCD screen also started working, for no apparent reason.
i heart bike computer
I also wrote up my project proposal for Fermentum, an art installation for fermenting kimchi &/or sauerkraut. It may be able to be used for other fermentation systems as well, with some tweaking, but this is where I'm starting. Basically, CO2 and pH can tell us something about the stages of fermentation. So, by using sensors to measure them, I can essentially track and represent fermentation through the values they create. More on this project as it develops, but here is the system diagram.
system diagram for Fermentum
And, here are a couple of images of kimchi fermenting.